Thursday, February 7, 2013

100 days SMARTER!

Yesterday was our 100th day of school! We had SO MUCH fun! We got to visit every class in kindergarten and work on a different activities.

We had to find the numbers 1-100 and mark them on our HUNDRED HOUND DETECTIVE sheet!

We had to roll a dice and color in that many squares. Some of us even made it all the way to 100!

We worked as a team to stack 100 cups!

We had to write 100 words! Some of us used words we found in the classroom, others wrote words we already knew!

We made 100th day hats. We had to color or draw 10 things on each of the 10 strips. That equals 100!

Finally, we enjoyed a 100th day snack. The cookies were in the shape of 100!